วันพุธที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553



After the Earth and Planets were formed Billions of years ago, there were tiny pieces of rock left floating in space. Literally billions of these tiny residual pieces now orbit around the Sun throughout the solar system. We call them meteoroids. They vary in size from tiny, not much more than dust particles to huge, the size of a mountain.

Huge the size of mountain

Tiny not more than dust particle

 As the Earth travels on its yearly journey around the Sun it often collides with these meteoroids at very high speeds, thousands of miles per hour. As they crash into our upper atmosphere they begin to cause friction with the gases and heat up causing a brief streak of light across the night sky. It is during this flash of burning that we call them meteors or shooting stars.

The smallest meteors last for a mere second or two as they disintegrate but some of the larger ones can last for longer and appear much brighter as they burn up, very bright ones are called fireballs. Some fireballs are bright enough to be seen in daylight.

Some of the larger ones even explode as they enter the atmosphere due to the build up of pressure inside its core.On very rare occasions the Earth collides into a very large meteoroid that is so big that it doesn't completely burn up in the atmosphere. These can sometimes make it all the way to the ground and are then called meteorites.

Meteors generally shoot across the night sky in random directions these are known as sporadic meteors, but at certain times of the year the Earth passes through a concentrated patch of debris and then a ‘meteor shower' can be seen. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of meteors shooting across the sky in a short space of time all coming from the same direction.

Sporadic Meteor

This debris is usually the remains of a left over trail from a comet that once crossed the Earth's orbit. It is usually made of very tiny pieces of rock and dust that sprayed out from the comet as it got near to the Sun.

In mid August every year the Earth passes through an area of space where the debris from a comet remains. As we pass through this debris it produces a spectacular meteor shower known as the Perseid meteor shower, so called because all of the meteors seem to come from the constellation of Perseus.

I always love to see shooting stars falling down from the sky during the night time.
In this is when i present about how's shooting star happened.

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

the aurora

"Aurora" is my research topic
I have seen lot of picture about the aurora and i like a lot, its colour make me feel wow what is it? where is it come from?
So i decided to do the research on it.


Halley's comet


Halley's Comet or Comet Halley is the best-known of the short-period comets.
We can see it every 75 to 76 years. It is the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime.  


Halley returns into the inner solar system have been observed by astronomers
since at least 240 B.C. It was recorded by Chinese, Babylonian, and medieval European chroniclers, but were not recognized as reappearances of the same object.

Edmond Halley
1656 - 1742 

               Edmond Halley was an English astronomer who calculated the orbit of the comet now called Halley's comet. He was a supporter of Newton.

                                                The Halley path through the inner solar system.
Halley's Comet will next be appear in mid-2061.

        Halley would be composed of a mixture of volatile ices—such as water,carbon dioxide,ammonia—anddust. However, the missions also provided data which substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas;for instance it is now understood that Halley's surface is largely composed of dusty, non-volatile materials, and that only a small portion of it is icy.

Have you ever see Halley's comet before?
Halley's comet is an interresting comet because we can see with our own eyes.
I did my report on Halley's comet because i want to know more information of it, and also i wanted to know that will i have to see the  Halley's comet.

The other world...

Do you know 'Alice in wonderland' or 'Through the Looking Glass' before?

A fantasy world with strange living thing around you...

The jabberwocky, Clothed white rabbit with a watch, Caterpillar smoking a hookah, etc.

...Do you ever think that this world can become true?

Let's prove ...welcome to the other world...

Parallel Universe

Parallel Universe also known as meta-universes or multiverses, are a group of theoretical twin universes that coexist at the same time as our own. Parallel universes are said to be simple variations of our reality, all running at the same time in different realities.

maybe the other world have somethings like this

Or this...

 even this....

Or whatever...

Scientist tried to prove that If this story was not only fiction...

Einstein's theory of relativity predicted the existence of "black holes", a hypothesis which has since been verified. These cosmic phenomena arise from the death of a star, after it collapses in on itself under the force of its own gravity. Inside a black hole, gravity is so intense that even light cannot escape the gravitational field (hence the name black hole). 

Albert Einstein and another physicist by the name of Nathan Rosen posited that each black hole would symmetrically on another gravitational well called a white hole (or sometimes also white fountain). The black hole/white hole pair would form a "wormhole", or vortex (the interdimensional passage used by the Sliders, called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge). 

Thus, any matter swallowed up by the black hole would be quickly spat out by the white hole, in an unknown location... This could be either a distant point in the universe, in which case the wormhole would act as a shortcut through space and time. Alternatively, it could be a parallel universe, in which case it would act as a bridge between the different dimensions.  

Sadly, we are not yet able to cross these bridges, if they exist. In fact, it would require a tremendous amount of energy to open a wormhole artificially, and the gravitational force inside would be so strong that we would be completely crushed...

 Many theory tried to describe about parallel universe 
like quantum mechanics, String theory and M-theory

We ignore quantum theory in this blog because its hard to understand but if you want to know more...Google waiting for you...

for string theory, often called the “theory of everything,” is a relatively young science that includes such unusual concepts as superstrings, branes, and extra dimensions. Scientists are hopeful that string theory will unlock one of the biggest mysteries of the universe, namely how gravity and quantum physics fit together.

The key string theory features include:
  • All objects in our universe are composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes (branes) of energy.
  • String theory attempts to reconcile general relativity (gravity) with quantum physics.
  • A new connection (called supersymmetry) exists between two fundamentally different types of particles, bosons and fermions.
  • Several extra (usually unobservable) dimensions to the universe must exist.
There are also other possible string theory features, depending on what theories prove to have merit in the future. Possibilities include:
  • A landscape of string theory solutions, allowing for possible parallel universes.
  • The holographic principle, which states how information in a space can relate to information on the surface of that space.
  • The anthropic principle, which states that scientists can use the fact that humanity exists as an explanation for certain physical properties of our universe.
  • Our universe could be “stuck” on a brane, allowing for new interpretations of string theory.
  • Other principles or features, waiting to be discovered.

Next M-theory

In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds the dimensionality of superstring theories in 10 dimensions, it is believed that the 11-dimensional theory unites all five string theories (and supersedes them). Though a full description of the theory is not yet known, the low-entropy dynamics are known to be super gravity interacting with 2- and 5-dimensional membranes .

Nevertheless M-theory is not yet complete, its can be applied in many situations....

Anyway if there were another universe or not...

The most important things is now...Did we do our best for our world yet?

credits 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553


Molecule of Nitrogen and oxygen in atmosphere are small enough to separate the blue small wave from white wave. The blue wave can spread out in the sky. This situation makes the sky turn into blue when we look from the ground and when we look from the space.

Dry and clean air makes sky clear, because the blue wave can scatter most.

1. First, fill water into the glass until it’s nearly full.

2. Use the torchlight through the glass.

3. Drop 1 drop of milk in glass and mix it.

4. Shine the torchlight again.

This experiment told us that wave of white ray has different size. Atom of milk in water separate blue wave from white wave and spread out, thus water change color into blue. Molecule of Nitrogen and oxygen in atmosphere are same as milk in the water

The color of the water isn’t clear blue because other colors are scatter. Also, this can happen in the earth because of dust and steam that help other colors scatter.

Earth is a place where all living things live in.
When i was a kid i usaully looked up into sky and think why the sky is in blue colour?
So this is why i choose this topic for my research, i love to do experiment i did an experimant during my presentation too.