วันพุธที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553



After the Earth and Planets were formed Billions of years ago, there were tiny pieces of rock left floating in space. Literally billions of these tiny residual pieces now orbit around the Sun throughout the solar system. We call them meteoroids. They vary in size from tiny, not much more than dust particles to huge, the size of a mountain.

Huge the size of mountain

Tiny not more than dust particle

 As the Earth travels on its yearly journey around the Sun it often collides with these meteoroids at very high speeds, thousands of miles per hour. As they crash into our upper atmosphere they begin to cause friction with the gases and heat up causing a brief streak of light across the night sky. It is during this flash of burning that we call them meteors or shooting stars.

The smallest meteors last for a mere second or two as they disintegrate but some of the larger ones can last for longer and appear much brighter as they burn up, very bright ones are called fireballs. Some fireballs are bright enough to be seen in daylight.

Some of the larger ones even explode as they enter the atmosphere due to the build up of pressure inside its core.On very rare occasions the Earth collides into a very large meteoroid that is so big that it doesn't completely burn up in the atmosphere. These can sometimes make it all the way to the ground and are then called meteorites.

Meteors generally shoot across the night sky in random directions these are known as sporadic meteors, but at certain times of the year the Earth passes through a concentrated patch of debris and then a ‘meteor shower' can be seen. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of meteors shooting across the sky in a short space of time all coming from the same direction.

Sporadic Meteor

This debris is usually the remains of a left over trail from a comet that once crossed the Earth's orbit. It is usually made of very tiny pieces of rock and dust that sprayed out from the comet as it got near to the Sun.

In mid August every year the Earth passes through an area of space where the debris from a comet remains. As we pass through this debris it produces a spectacular meteor shower known as the Perseid meteor shower, so called because all of the meteors seem to come from the constellation of Perseus.

I always love to see shooting stars falling down from the sky during the night time.
In this is when i present about how's shooting star happened.

7 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. ไม่ระบุชื่อ18 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 19:20

    nice pic

  2. ไม่ระบุชื่อ18 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 19:30

    very interesting

  3. i love to see shooting star fallin down from the sky. :)))

  4. ไม่ระบุชื่อ24 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 22:25

    Dont let this blog vanish into the darkness,
    feed it and update it, let it grow...
    create interesting post and tell the whole universe what you think and feel...

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